Project Tracking Sheet

Good Afternoon,
I am looking to use Prophix to create a project tracking sheet. The sheet would include employees involved in the project, their payroll (pulled from the payroll cube) and the estimated OH costs associated with the project. This can simply be a report pulling data from different cubes or a group of projects that ultimately roll up to the total for that office.

Has anyone used anything like this and if so would you be willing the share a sample and how your created the report?

Thanks in advance for your help,

We haven’t done anything like this before, but I’d be interested to see how this could be created.

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Could you utilize the Detailed Planning Manager to create parent “tasks” as an organizational structure - and use DPM to add “tasks” where the various calculations bring in the rates & volumes?

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We currently do something like this but it is cumbersome and would love to integrate it more with Prophix (perhaps DPM) Our projects have a unique general ledger code and when engineers work on specific projects they track their time against the unique GL code on a spreadsheet and submit to HR.

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Thanks for chiming in, Lisa! Are you currently talking to anyone at Prophix about this? If not, you may want to speak with someone about it at the conference in April.

Hi Brooke, I am working with a client now that is doing that sort of tracking. We are just starting the project but I feel certain that I can use that knowledge to help you with your request (and hopefully others who have posted here). Will you be at the conference? I would love to chat about your idea then or we can schedule a call as well.


I am not familiar with the “tasks” I will look into that further with our CSP team. Thanks for the recommendation.

That’s great to hear. We are planning on being at the conference and I would appreciate the opportunity to chat with you about the project.


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This is an interesting concept. We don’t use anything like this, but I could see it being beneficial to our organization.

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perhaps creating a separate “project cube” with the project number as a dimension object. this could be created in DPM which would allow you to add a planning dimension to it. the actual data could flow into the project cube from the other cubes where the data is separate. The reporting would then be available within the project cube.


Thanks, Denise! Maybe you and Brooke will have the opportunity to chat at the conference in April. I’d be happy to connect you two.

Hi Mark, I would be happy to participate in a group discussion about this opportunity. I would also be very appreciative in any help you can give in putting a group together.

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Hey, Melissa. Great idea. I will definitely look into how I can help with this.

Myself and a couple co-workers are attending the Nashville conference and would love to be included in this conversation. We are going to begin building our Project Cube in Prophix in a couple of weeks and would find it very useful to see how other companies are using Prophix for this.

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Glad to hear this is gaining momentum. We see your comments here!

I would definitely be interested in discussing your project planning activities and the conference. I will try to find you once we get down to Nashville. Thanks.

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We have designed two cubes for tracking our Projects /Job Costing. We have a Monthly and Weekly depending on the type of information we are tracking. Our end user of these cubes are our Operations Team (Execs and Project Managers) as well as our Finance Group. I will be at the conference should you want to touch base and discuss.


Maybe we could schedule a quick meeting with all of us on one of the breaks since they are 30 minutes long, or during the lunch Monday or Tuesday?

Hi all, I am working on securing us a meeting room or area so that we can chat. I think the idea of getting together during a break is a great idea. Stay tuned and I will let everyone know what I have come up with concerning a spot.

Hi all, I have a room for us to gather in and discuss this topic. Please meet me in the Gospel room (Hotel Level 4) during the second break on Monday (3:35-3:55). Hope you all can join me! Melissa

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