Prophix for Tooling?

Does anyone use Prophix to track tooling? Or have ideas how that might be possible? I am a new Prophix admin and just curious if anyone has had success with this.

I track tooling in a Fixed Assets Detailed Planning Cube. There is a good module in Prophix Academy on how to set that up. If I were interested in specific tooling only info (cavities, # of impressions, maintenance schedules, etc.) I would probably make that it’s own Detailed Planning Cube.

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Hi @kim.worthington,

Since you’re subscribed to CSP, I would recommend working with our Product Adoption team on this. I see that you’ve already submitted a ticket for training which is wonderful :grinning:

Miral and Vaishu will be able to walk you through the process and provide fundamental training for you as well. And Frank is right - there are a few courses on Prophix Academy that you can leverage as a resource as well.