Prophix Improvements (Leave your idea)

Hello community,

Please rate three things (simple or complex) that you evaluate as unsatisfactory in Prophix.

Here’s my list:

  1. Totally static graphics colors, you could at least let us choose the colors;
  2. Workflow with just one level branch - this is horrible
  3. Processes - it doesn’t allow you to copy one process to another, you could then do it like VBA, within a process call another process, this would save hours of interns!

Below I explain more about the purpose of this post:

I have answered some surveys about Prophix (very well evaluated by the way), but I would like to make a different proposal here, create a topic and propose that each of us post some dissatisfactions or improvements to Prophix.
I think that anticipating these issues right here on the forum already alerts the Prophix community and developers.

Thanks Gabriel! This is great feedback.
I’ve passed this on to our product team

I would like to Report Template having sorting option(Custom Sort by Columns), I would also like to ranking/Top N rows option while sorting.

I think additional functionality to generate a Line Item report(separately) would be good addition.


Hello, as a daily user of Prophix, I believe we really need a way to copy processes. A lot of time is wasted when we have to recreate or combine processes manually.
We used to have this functionality in older Prophix versions, but it seems to be missing in the cloud version.

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