🎅 Prophix & Sage Foundation Donated to the Children's Aid Society

Prophix gives back!

During the holidays, Prophix raised $6,000 for the Peel Children’s Aid Society, to help children and families in need. What’s more, our partners at the Sage Foundation chipped in to match that amount!

We also kept up with our annual tradition of donating 240 turkeys to the local Salvation Army. Sadly, due to the pandemic, our employees were unable to assist at the Salvation Army location in-person this year. So the photos you see in this Twitter post come from 2019. Safety comes first!

Have your or your organization participated in interesting charitable initiatives during the pandemic? Or have you witnessed random acts of kindness during this unique time? The world needs more smiling faces, so let us know!

This is awesome. That’s amazing what you were able to do own your own and that the Sage Foundation stepped up to match! We are a nonprofit and don’t do anything like that

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Great initiative!. Keep up the good work

My organization is a job profit so we don’t do this kind of thing.

My family personally participates in adopt a family, toys for tots, and other such things. It’s a line item in our personal budget that grows a little more each year!

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$6000 for the Children’s Aid Society and 240 turkeys for Salvation Army! How wonderful! Our company did toy drive around Christmas, which was nice too.

We still have 4 car seats, toys, books and other kids stuff waiting for Salvation Army to pick up. Hope they can assume pick up service soon. Then we can continue to support the community.

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That’s simply awesome. One more reason I love working for Prophix!

One of our last projects here was a Christmas drive-through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyDO0kXoAEY - one thing we could safely do for families during this pandemic. Donations went to another local charity from this event.

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Our company did something a little bit smaller but we got involved with save the children Christmas jumper day and then the company matched our own donations. This is great though!!

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This is really a great thing that Prophix does.

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USA Properties is a housing developer and manager and founded a non profit program to assist families undergoing hardships. It’s great to hear the testimonies and stories of those that have received financial help running the gamut from rental assistance through college tuition scholarships.

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That is awesome to see you’re committed to helping your community. We are a non-profit but we can opt in to donate to the employee service fund. They donate to several organizations and families in need, more so around the holidays. It’s great to see our funds spreading holiday cheer!

Keep it up Prophix! Prophix always reminding me why it’s a great place to work.

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That’s amazing!! I love that Prophix has such a big heart!

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Amazing job, Prophix! Keep up the great work!

Always heartwarming when I hear about all the great things Prophix does for the community.

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We’re in the transportation industry, and do a lot of work with MADD every year, which I’ve always been pretty proud of.

Always great when companies give back to the community. Our company has always given paid time off for volunteer work, frequently holds events with local charities -especially groups that promote tree growth and environmental care. Around the holidays it’s becoming a tradition for the company to fund small groups in their choice of service to charitable organizations and has started offering matching for employee’s contributions . Service and support of the community is very fulfilling and an important part of life inside or outside of the office.

Amazing effort toward making a huge difference in the community! Bravo!

Great work Prophix! Our company sponsored a kid for Make-A-Wish.

My son and I cycled 250km last August to raise finds for Sick Kids. At this time last year, my son had never left our court on his bike, having only mastered 2 wheels late in the summer prior. We were proud of the money we raised and the personal progress that got us able to do this summer challenge.