Red Carpet Wins 2020 Influitive BAMMIE Award: Advocate Marketing Program of the Year!

Prophix wins 2020 Influitive BAMMIE Award for Advocate Marketing Program of the Year!

That means Influitive, the company whose software we use to build and run the Red Carpet program, ranked this hub as the best use of its platform for all of its customers with 500 employees or less. UserTesting won the mid-market award and Cisco took home the honors for the enterprise edition.

A big thanks goes out to you, to our wonderful Red Carpet members, for making it happen. If you have a comment or question about the BAMMIE Awards - or you just want to let us know what you think about Red Carpet, leave a comment here!


Congrats to Prophix and especially Mark for managing Red Carpet!


Can’t say I’m surprised. Red Carpet is just that good!

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Congratulations on the award.

Regarding the Prophix red carpet site itself, let me say that these days every software company has a customer/community site. Many of them are Ho-hum implementations in an attempt to check the box that it exists and, if possible, offload customer support issues to their customers.

But I’ve found red carpet to be quite different. Prophix professional services, CSP, and tech support personnel are all involved, and the customers are truly helping other customers. I’ve used red carpet as my main go-to tool for learning about Prophix, from day 1 entry level stuff to more advanced things like DPM modeling.

I guess my experience is not unique, and influitive must have recognized that. Or perhaps your approach just naturally causes some of the KPIs they monitor to rise you above the rest (which would mean that they have chosen the right KPIs to monitor).

Kudos to @mark.behar on driving and cultivating such an engaging site and keeping it relevant to the constituency.

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Red carpet is the best platform for engaging a professional community around a product that I have ever seen. Keep up the good work!

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I love red carpet! What a well deserved award!

Congrats! This is awesome! I totally agree with their decision and Mark is amazing too!!

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Congrats to Prophix on winning this

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Woot woot. Way to go, red carpet

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Congrats to Prophix and Red Carpet

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Congratulations on the award. well deserved. Thanks for all the support during an incredibly challenging year.

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Congrats to Prophix and Mark. It is well deserved!!!

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Congratulation! Red Carpet is a great way to connect with organizations, glad to see others at Influitive feel the same way!

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Congratulations! Well deserved!

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Congratualations Prophix! I’m just starting implementation and Red Carpet has been an invaluable resource.

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This is truly an innovative platform for all users of Prophix. Keep up the great work!

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Congrats on the award!

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Congratulations - Well deserved!

Congrats!!! Well deserved.

Congratulations! Well done!