Quick question around member properties.
I’m developing a new cube for one of our subsidiaries and we’re wanting to track both Revenues and Expenses (previous entities we’ve only tracked expenses.) As a test of netting the REV/EXP I created a sample classification containing both a revenue (4111111 PREMIUMS EARNED) and expense account (621101 PAYROLL TAXES) and keyed in some sample budget items for each to produce the following.
(4111111 PREMIUMS EARNED) $25,000 (set as rev)
(621101 PAYROLL TAXES) $5,000 (set as exp)
Both of these accounts are under an account class heading of (TEST CLASS). Shouldn’t the account class heading for these two accounts NET to $20,000 since the member properties for one account is a Revenue and one is an Expense? Currently it’s just aggregating the two accounts to a total of $30,000 as both were entered with positive amounts. If the accounts will not automatically net, but simply aggregate depending on whether a positive or negative amount, then why even have the account types (Asset, Liability, Revenue, Exp) as elements in the member properties?
What function does it serve?
Jerry Thomas