Smart Client to Web Client - Measures

I have converted a template from Smart Client to Web Client and when uploading to Excel it has an Unknown Member error as Value is no longer a dimension.
How do I remove values as I cannot see it anywhere in my list of dimensions?
Or do I have to create a new template from scratch in Web client perhaps?
Thanks in advance.

I’ve converted lots of different templates from Template Studio Classic to Template Studio (web version) and never encountered this problem… very strange. Have you checked through all your other dimensions?

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Have you looked at each dimension while in Design Mode? Typically it will show on the selection side in red as “unknown member”…


I might have interpreted your question differently, but
This sounds like something we had an issue with when downloading to excel from the web client. We had a member property of original contract value (a dollar amount) that would download to excel as an error. We spent a lot of time with support to get it figured out. We had to add a column to the right of the member property column with the error and in that column enter the formula “=iferror(value(reference the cell to the left),0)” to get it to work. Then we hid the original column member property column. At that time, Prophix Support could only come up with that idea. They didn’t exactly know why it was doing it. I’ll be curious if this answers your question.


Hi Rob
Yes we have checked all dimensions but cannot find any type of unknown member or anything that refers to measures (value).

Morning Donna, Yes we have tried doing this but cannot find anything which refers to measures. It’s a bit of a mystery.

Hi Tyler
Thanks for the idea of adding a column. I will try this method and let you know if it works. It only happens on the templates which have been converted from Smart Client to Web Client.

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I forgot to say it, but we had the issue when we migrated smart client reports to web client reports and then they had the error when downloading to excel.

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Sometimes it can be a duplicate that throws it off

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The issue has now been resolved. Went back to Smart Client and hid the measures dimension and opened the file in Web and this has rectified the problem. Thanks everyone for trying to solve this issue.


I’m glad that you found a solution!

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