Tell us about some cool takeaways from the 2019 Prophix Conference

Here’s your chance to share some knowledge. Picked up some cool product tips from Prophix consultants? Learned about possibilities from one of your fellow customers? Let the world know!

How to build reports in template studio. Excited to share the information with fellow coworkers

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You can build a model to help with the new lease standard. Mind blown!

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Increased knowledge on building new reports in template studio…

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Learnt the benefits of having different cubes for different business needs.

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I’ve already set my top level account members to “null” aggregate to save compute time, and schedule a table maintenance process. Thanks Tanweer!

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Key Note speaker Polly Labarre was extremely inspiring!

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Carry forward explained! Can’t wait to use that function in forecasting.

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One cool takeaway I had… we bought Prophix for budgeting. But listening to Emily Anaouo yesterday talking about the time savings she experienced by automating her organization’s quarterly reporting with Prophix got me SUPER excited.

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Pain is Temporary. Suck is forever.

Loved that quote from Polly!

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Liked the roll-forward forecast applications available in Prophix! God stuff!

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Template studio! I am excited to share some tips and tricks with team members

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Upcoming features in prophix. Cool to see the AI components and voice recognition that will be available in the coming months!

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If running the same processes over and over, create a workflow that will run them all instead.

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Building cubes: less is more

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The Prophix Conference definitely taught me more about what Prophix can offer. Web client and Dashboards seem to be a move that we will be making soon.

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I’m very excited to look into dashboards and the web client. I also hope to set up some new DPM models to help our planning process in the future.

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Looking forward to using DPM to plan more accurately.

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I’m excited to take more manual process and automate them while also creating more specific cubes that can integrate with our financial cube.

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how to design functional dashboards in dashboard studio, and separating cubes (creating new cubes) by department.

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