Templates - Unique Member Combinations For Pages

I tried going through help but couldn’t find anything.

Is there a way to specify unique combinations for pages in templates? I.e., let’s say I have two dimensions with two members each: Alpha and Beta in one; North and South in the others. I’d like to create a template that only generated the pages Alpha-South and Beta-North. But right now, all I can figure out how to do it is to tell is both members in both dimensions, and I get four pages instead of two.

I think you’d add those dimensions to the grid area, along with the other dimensions you’re actually reporting on, and use specific members to filter out the ones you don’t want. The combo set will have to include the 2 you mention as well as the other dimensions you already have in your grid area.


You should add this to the enhancements requests. This would also be a major time saver for our organization as well.

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Hi @michael.senchuk, by default there isn’t a way to create unique combinations in pages. There may be some alternate design options, for example, if the combinations you’d like are constant (i.e. you know the combinations of dimensions members that are needed and the combination does not change) perhaps building an alternate reporting cube with the necessary combinations built into one dimension might work. Sounds like others are also interested in this feature. Per @jeanette.emery’s suggestion you can submit a feature request at feedback.prophix.com.

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Actually, what I ended up doing was just cloning the report and putting them together in a binder. The first report is the standard one, location totals. The second one has the weird anomalies for the one location. It works pretty slick.


Another option is to used named sets that always pull the same members - see example below

Page Members
Dimension 1
Named Sets AB (only include Alpha and Beta)

Dimension 2
Named Sets NS (only include North and South)


Hi Bryan - Can you elaborate a little more on this option?

Bryan, i think that would still end up where he started, with 4 pages due to the 4 combinations, wouldn’t it? Is there a trick that would cause this to filter combinations to NA and SB?