Timing Of New Dimension Members


Hey, so I was wondering if anyone has thoughts around when to add new dimension members. Right now we’ve got so few users (20ish total) that when I come in and check the overnight import, if there’s a new variable I need to add I’ll do it right then, then save and publish. BUT we’re considering adding about the same again users, so I’m concerned that it might cause them inconvenience if I’m publishing while they’re running reports or ad hocs.

Do others just do it willy-nilly like me, or at a certain time of day, or ???

I’m sorry I don’t have a direct answer for this question but think this is a really interesting point. Currently post implementation largely as a reporting tool we haven’t got our managers onto the platform yet so when a new dimension presents itself I can add and publish with little to no impact on any other users, because there isn’t really any. However this has given me food for thought re: when we introduce our users onto the platform, how we will manage this. Ideally with our nature of work, new dimensions would be known to our users and so it would work best if they submitted requests for them so the time can be planned in to add & publish. Would something like this work for your users, could they submit a basic request form so new members could be collated and updates made periodically at an appropriate time? Good luck!

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