Tradeshow Expense Tracking

Hello Red Carpet Community!

I am thinking of ways of using Prophix to help our company track our trade show expenses. I am just in the mapping out stage, but I am wanting to create a separate cube to capture all of the data surrounding our tradeshows: $ by expense category, salesman travel expenses, # of leads, and so forth.

I wanted to reach out to the community to see what others have done along these lines. I would be curious in any information you can share on what worked well, what didn’t work so well, what did your dimensions look like, what reports did you create…really ANY INFO. I figure there will be great things that I should consider before creating the cube.

Thanks in advance!

Monte Southwell

Hello, I think you could treat each fair as a project, for example, and allocate resources to it. In this way, it is finite, with a beginning, middle and end, but it is worth thinking about what your source data is like (realized), as it may be that you plan it one way, and then have no follow-up adherence.

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No. It’s not a big expense for us.

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We do not track for tradeshows as it is not a big expense for us, but we do track for productions we do. We create a project code for each and that project code is applied to expenses as they are recorded in our ERP. We have created reports to view totals and have the ability to drill across for further details.


This is not something we track regularly.

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Using DPM would be an option to track expenses

e.g. Creating a line item for each Trade Show / Project Code and each Expense Category, this will record details of expenses and posting this data in Finance cube to Summarize.

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If your trade expenses are not too large, I would think the initial setup is not worth the effort as it is pretty time consuming.

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It is not something that we work with in our industry.

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We do not have this expense.

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It is not something we work with in our industry

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We do not do this in our industry

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we don’t track this, but I think if you have a good handle on the data available to you, Prophix can help you organized it probably about any way you could hope to see it

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Thanks everyone! I appreciate your feedback.

We do not have a lot of this expense

Sorry, that’s not something we are doing.

We are currently not tracking

This is not something we track but interested in learning how others are using Prophix to help track this. I like the DPM idea.

We currently track within excel

For our Trade Show expenses, we track via Cost Trackers within our Finance Cube.

We use project codes for our technical projects, using this we can identify all costs associated with each project. If you have the different type of expense and information linked to each project then you can create a report with a drill down by project code to view each one separately or have a summarised report with leaf descendants to compare.