Trial Balance

Has anyone found a way to set up a TB in Prophix? We were told that BS figures were aggregate but PL was current month. How would you set up a working TB in Prophix without having to create two seperate reports (i.e. PL + BS)?

Hi Josie,

Data is typically imported based on
Income Stmt accounts - period balances (at a monthly level),
Balance sheet accounts - aggregate / life-to-date value (i.e. since inception)
Is the above true?

If yes, then you should be able to, when looked at time at a monthly level, see data for the month of (for PL accounts) and aggregated a.k.a life-to-date (for BS). You can bring them onto a single data view / template, in 4 sections,
and use a formula (Assets + Exp - Liab - Revenue) to match both sides (debit vs credit).

Hope this helps,

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For ours - since some of our accounts are shared between P&L Line items - we built a “Natural Accounts” cube.
It draws from the Balance Sheet source (Lawson = CUAMOUNT) - and is not filtered for anything.
The accounts are all grouped up, with columns as Company entities.
Report gets filtered for the open month.

Hope that helps ya out!

Hi @josie.mojica,
for one of our clients we are trying to setup report which looks like this

The way we did this was first we added a member property in the accounts called ‘Debit/Credit’ and selected a set of accounts and labeled them Debit or Credit.

Next in the design mode, we cloned the row (column B)

and said show it by custom member property ‘Debit–Credit’

Then we added two columns ‘Debit’ and ‘Credit’ and added an If formula which says if the member property says Credit (this is for Credit column) then show the value in column C otherwise show me blank. Same logic for Debit side

And then we hide the column we dont wan to see

and we had a report which show debit amount or credit amount based on the account

I know this is not an actual trail balance but it does shows the Debit and credit value based on the account you have.


This looks like an interesting concept. Our problem is that sometimes we can have accounts which vary between being a debit one month and a credit the next