Virtual Summit Chat - Advanced Modeling

Hi! I hope you will join me and @tina.zhao Prophix Consultant, Product Adoption for the Advanced Modeling to Better Manage Your Business session at the Prophix Virtual Conference.

As the CFO of MaxSold, I spend many hours every day in Prophix for insight and analysis on our business. I’ll take you through my tips and tricks (and mistakes) for building the advanced models that give us an edge over our competition. I’ll share my lessons learned from using DPM when I should have used a standard cube; building mega-cubes that became unmanageable; and ensuring flexibility for growth when setting up a new model. Tina will provide information on the resources available at Prophix to help you with your next model. The session will wrap-up with sharing stories of models I’ve built.

Even after 12 years of using Prophix and creating many models, I still have drawings mapped out of future models that I want to build. What models are on your dream list?

To access the recorded version of our session, visit this URL and enter the same credentials you used on the day of the Virtual Summit. Enter the Theater section. Then go to Breakouts, find the session name, and click 'Watch On Demand.'

we are having the mega-cube issue right now - Can’t wait to hear!

I’m very excited to hear about all of the different cubes! Also it will be very interesting to hear from a Prophix Admin who is a CFO!

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The mega-cube issue sounds interesting to me. Think we are getting close to that issue.

Sounds very interesting. Can’t wait to hear more

@paul.vickers, this sounds like a great session for vicariously gaining wisdom. I have a client who often repeats the slogan “experience is the gaining of knowledge for the future the moment after you needed it the first time”. Sounds like your session is geared to help me avoid that moment-after part.

I really appreciate the “mistakes learned from” approach because that will help us relate to the thought patterns you engaged in, we can recognize where that maps to our own thinking, and perhaps shortcut the process by learning from your end results.

At this early stage in my Prophix product experience, I too have hopes and dreams for DPM that might be better served in a standard model but I don’t have enough knowledge of DPM to know. Separately, I have a situation where I’m considering combining our first 2 separate cubes into a single one because of how much shared data they enjoy, and the fact that some data has to be transferred from one cube to another regularly; yet I wonder if combining them might suffer from complications due to the different processes and workflows required to accommodate the different business units for which these cubes were created.

Thanks for this preview of what your session is about. I’m looking forward to it.

Looking forward to hearing the pros and cons of building cubes; I’m a little hesitant to embark on this task for many of the reasons stated in comments so far! These conferences typically give me the boost I need to just do it!

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Looking forward to this session for some real takeaways we can use to improve our models. I have so many ideas but get intimidated by building new cubes.

Looking forward to this session- all of Paul’s comments (avoiding mega-cubes, DPM versus standard cube) are relevant to us.

Looking forward to your tips and tricks.

Hi Paul,

Mega-cube sounds interesting, we have build multiple cubes as well but would love to hear what is included in you mega cube.

Sounds interesting. Looking forward to hearing more!

Looking forward to hearing about your experiences in building cubes and DPM.

Looking forward to your presentation! I would be interested in hearing about your experience with multiple cubes and in getting an idea of when it makes sense to build a new cube as opposed to expand an existing one.

Very excited for the chat. We tend to only add things to one cube, and I feel like we should be creating new cubes. Wondering if we’re close to a mega cube. We’re also looking in to DPM cubes, but interested to hear your thoughts. You could save me some headaches!

All of them. We have not started using it yet, but I am excited to get started.

nice presentation today Paul. I’ve fallen into some of the traps you discussed as well.

I hope everyone enjoyed the session. If we didn’t get to answering your question, or have new questions, please post them in the forum. We’ll do our best to get to you an answer.


Was a great session - Thanks Paul!

Was a great session to gain valuable insights