Virtual Summit Session Notes & Chat - Visualizing Better Dashboards

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this session at our Virtual Summit about utilizing Dashboard Studio functionality to empower your end users with some awesome interactive dashboards in Prophix!

I look forward to keeping the momentum going on this topic and seeing what our creative Prophix users are doing out there with Dashboards. If you participated in this session, I encourage you to continue the conversation here with your Prophix peers to share tips and tricks!

To access the recorded version of our session, visit this URL and enter the same credentials you used on the day of the Virtual Summit. Enter the Theater section. Then go to Breakouts, find the session name, and click 'Watch On Demand.'

I definitely need to watch this presentation. We are getting the summer update tomorrow and I’m very excited to dive in and improve our dashboards. I think that they are going to be vital for end user engagement.


That’s awesome Emily! The summer update included some great new features for our Dashboards. Please note we unfortunately had some technical difficulties with the live recording yesterday so I will be rerecording the content to make sure nothing was missed!
We will still share the link here :slight_smile:


This was a great session. We are getting ready to go to the Cloud and are looking forward to fully utilizing dashboards for our end users.

Is best practice to create a separate cube for dashboarding? I heard it mentioned a couple times in sessions yesterday.


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I look forward to the new page members in dashboards. We will be getting to the summer update soon, and I think this will be a great asset. Thanks for sharing Della, sorry the technology caused some hinderances. I look forward to watching the recording when available. I am interested in Rob’s question too about a separate cube for dashboards?

Rob, I look forward to seeing what you do with Dashboard Studio when the time comes!
In terms of building a new Cube, it’s not required as you can build your Dashboard based off of existing data you have in your model(s). Keep in mind, that Dashboard Charts and Badges can reference Data Views which are sourced from different Cubes.
E.g. Maybe you have a Expense breakdown chart stemming from a Financial Cube Data View and then another chart stemming from a Sales Cube Data View in the same dashboard.
If you would like to also include some additional KPIs that may not exist in any of your current Models, then you can certainly explore building a very simple Cube to house that data in as well :slight_smile:

I need to update our dashboards this is such a useful tool that we don’t utilize like we should

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Like to see the recording to follow it more closely.

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I’m looking forward to watching this one (it was during my lunchtime and I had a previous engagement). We use dashboards pretty extensively, reaching out to a number of our different cubes, and I’m always trying to evolve it to look better and provide better information. I have two right now - one for senior leaders and our finance folks, and one for our terminal managers, though I think I might need one more focused on operations in the future too.


I can’t wait for the recording…I was able to catch most of the talk but missed out on some of the last 15 minutes or so. Good to hear there are some additional resources coming to dashboards and I am especially looking forward to data pivoting.

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I look forwarded to creating dashboard to help once we get started in Prophix

Dashboarding isn’t something I’ve done much of in Prophix. Will be checking this out though.

We use Prophix mostly for planning, so we haven’t utilized the dashboard aspect as of yet.
However, we might be using it in the future to establish variances quicker. When we do, this will come in handy.

Looking forward to watching this presentation on demand.

Great functionality tips, Della. Thank you for this session.

I’m definitely going to be watching this again! This gave me a lot of new ideas to try out!

Our dashboards need a revamp!

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Love the drill capabilities on the new versions of the dashboards - this was a terrific session! Thanks so much!

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That is pretty cool - I use it a lot.

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