What are your New Year's resolutions?

Don’t be one of those people that discovers their New Year’s resolution yoga pants in the closet in June with the tags still attached.

Here’s our guide to making realistic, motivating resolutions!

1. Start with a purpose

Reflect back on the past year; what would you like to see change? Resolutions are much more powerful when you have lived the undesired state and have a drive to take a new direction.

2. Make both short-term and long-term decisions

Instead of expecting to change your life in January and feeling discouraged when that doesn’t happen, scatter your goals over the year. This will also help you understand if your strength lies in quick small changes, or bigger ongoing projects.

3. Team up!

Worried about slacking? Get a group of co-workers or friends together around a resolution to add some positive peer pressure.

4. Write it down.

Countless CEOs and other successful people preach the power of putting your goals onto a piece of paper to make them real. Why not create some beautiful word art of your resolutions and frame in a productive place in your house, like the kitchen? Seeing your goals will make you think of microchanges you can make every day to move towards them.

What are your New Year’s resolutions?

Complete last year’s resolutions!


Focus more spiritually. Starting the year with the 21-day Daniel Fast. I have two large professional goals that should be completed in February if not they will definitely be done in March. Then a 5k in April. So a myriad of gals to cover all levels of personal gain!


Create a vision board
Focus on my overall wellness
Make myself a priority
Respond with grace and positivity and calm


I do not like making resolutions as they usually do not hold

Printing pictures, adding to frames and albums.

Take better care of myself - better work / life balance.

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Self care, nurture nature, focus on the positive side of life and of people…


Self-care, reduce my consumption of MSM and work on our chicken coop!


Run more, enjoy my family

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lol same Patrick, same!

Beautifully said, Monica :slightly_smiling_face:

I can’t wait to start adding more content to our health and wellness channel in the coming months. It seems that it’s a focus for a lot of people in the Red Carpet community this year!

I had my gallbladder removed in December so my resolution is to adjust my diet to accommodate life without a gallbladder

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