Workflow and Tasks

I am looking to get an answer quickly as we are building something with a deadline of today - August 1

Creating a workflow for Personnel budget
Can you create a workflow that has a task contingent on another task within the SAME Activity?

Trying to eliminate users receiving so many activities when each task is not required to be approved by someone. As soon as the user completes it, they move on to next step in the same activity.


Yes, you can create one activity contingent to another activity before it.

Thanks. I am looking for a TASK contingent on a TASK. So the user gets 1 workflow that has multiple tasks to complete. Not getting 5 workflows that are contingent on one another

I think the the contingent is only available on activities and not tasks.

That is what I thought, but would be nice to reduce amount of Activities sent to users. Appreciate the quick response.

you may need to create every task a separate activity, its brute force approach :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for your quick responses @ali.arsalan.1 :grinning: