Workflow Approvals - What's Outstanding

We have Tasks within our Workflows that require multiple approvers. I
f one of the approvers has approved the tasks, how can I determine who still needs to approve?

Hello! I like to open my workflow tasks in a separate window so that I can see everything. From the dashboard, click on the three little dots in the upper right of the tile and then launch. From here you can filter on project, status, etc to see what is still outstanding.

In addition to that, you can go to your edit your workflow. In the view, you can choose “flow” and you can see everything mapped out nicely.

I hope that helps!

Hi Jacqueline,

Currently in workflow manager and workflow tasks, you are able to look at tasks that are pending. However, when you have multiple approvers, in the current state, I don’t believe there is a way to find out which approver is yet to approve. This is a great idea and I’d recommend you to leave a feedback in the forum.

Hope this helps,

Hi Jacqueline,

If multiple users need to approve a task and you do need to track all the approvals, then you can create multiple Activities (one for each user) and use “Contingent on Activities” feature to send the task to each of your users.

Please note, with this method the only restriction is that the task will not be sent to all the users at once, you will need to decide who will get it first, then who will have it next, and so on.
" Contingent on Activities – To have the activity only start after other specific activities are complete, select this option, click Not Set, and in the dialog that appears select the prerequisite activities"

For any further questions on how to use this feature, please book time with the Product Adoption team.


Example of how it would look like - see below. The “green” box is complicate, there’s of the task still outstanding.

I am not currently using workflow but I am trying to learn more about this feature.