Workflow Security

I have a user that reports to two separate Managers. User gets a workflow task for Manager A to do the budget. User gets a workflow task for Manager B to do the budget.

The user would technically be able to see data for both Managers in both tasks because they have security to see it, right? And then when the tasks are submitted to each Manager for review/approval, does that Manager inherit the security of the user and therefore be able to see Manager A and Manager B department info?

Question really is - how do I keep data separate from Managers that have a common user that does the data entry (has full security)? Hope that makes sense.

@michael.curley Hey Michael,

Try creating 2 approval only tasks (one for each manager) and have it as separate tasks. This way the template is not based on the owner’s access, it is based on the approver’s access.

@michael.curley, did this approach work for you? What did you end up doing in the end?