Working From Home Tips

You can’t get into the office until further notice, but you need to make some progress while you work from home. Netflix is streaming at top volume from the next room, the garden is a mess, your laundry and dishes are dirty but you need to get something done. What are your tips, secrets, and routines to stay productive in a work-from-home situation? Best wishes to all, we will get through this time some how.

Even inside my home office with the door closed, family noise can be distracting for me. I play music to create white noise. I have been taking short breaks several times a day to get out of my chair. I have started taking 30 minute lunch walks to get fresh air. I hope all of you Prophix folks stay healthy and sane in the current WFH business environment.


Thanks again for posting this, @albert.kurtz! I think we’re all improvising now. The twins are in full-day school on Zoom Meeting. Every day at 11:30 I take them for a walk. I sure hope the weather warms up here in Toronto soon. :cold_face:

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Both my wife and I are home bound a the moment with a 3 year old so we are taking shifts working and playing. with some catch up after bed time.


I usually work from home 1 day a week but this 6 consecutive business days has taken some getting used to. Than goodness for video conferencing, I find that helps feel connected on an human level. Without the commute to work I am taking advantage of longer walks with Levi (my dog) in the morning and an extra walk during lunch. I think I am tiring him out!


Thank goodness we can get to Prophix from home! I’m getting a lot accomplished! My boys are grown and have an easy time leaving me alone with my work…until dinner time when they are happy to remind me it’s time to talk dinner! Stay safe, everyone!


Just finished co-ordinating an annual stock across 5 locations, with the Auditor making sample counts via Zoom from a laptop in his London flat, cameras and smartphones linked into Zoom to show him the stock in our factories and warehouse. Strange times indeed but all went well.
Stay safe everyone & best wishes to all.

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9 years WFH for me.
I set my schedule up just like I would if in the office - schedule breaks & get into a routine.
I block out my calendar for the gym - use the living room as a lunch room and get away from my desk.
Having a distinct workspace that you can lock the machine & walk away really helps maintain boundaries.

Go do the laundry. Go walk around the house.
Block out that noise put some meditation music on.

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