Staying Grateful During Uncertain Times

Many of us are trying to find our way during these strange times. Our everyday lives have changed, but not for nothing; social distancing is necessary to keep everyone safe. We’re all in this together!

But that doesn’t mean we don’t miss our usual routines. Here’s an opportunity to talk about about one thing we miss and two things for which we’re grateful. That’s ONE thing we miss and TWO things for which we’re grateful.

I’ll even go first! Here’s mine:

I miss playing lunchtime board games with co-workers! During lunch, we used to play quick, multi-player games. Some of our favorites are Deep Sea Adventure, Century Spice Road, and Northern Pacific.

However, I’m grateful for the ability to work at home and save on commuting time/costs. I am super thankful for our IT team working tirelessly to support all of us working remotely!

I’m also grateful for the kindness in my local community. I see a lot of neighbors running errands for each other (to help the elderly, or the parents who are home-schooling their children) and it’s been really nice to see the community supporting each other like that!

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I miss having the house to myself. I work from home on a regular basis so having my whole family at home is driving me nutty.

I am grateful that none of my family is sick.

I am grateful that my husband and I are both still employed.


I miss being able to see my family and friends and being able to give them a hug!

I am grateful for the incredible NHS and key workers in the UK. There are so many incredible people doing things to keep our country going and our loved ones safe.

I am grateful to be able to work from home and the support from my employers to make sure that we are all coping. They have been brilliant with supporting us with so much more than getting work done.


I miss casual interaction with my colleagues and friends in the office.

I am grateful to have more time at home with my wife and children (don’t miss the commute!).

I am grateful for health care workers and volunteers who are putting themselves at risk to help those who are suffering, mostly strangers -an in turn, all of us!


I miss being able to go to the gym to workout.

I am grateful for current technology and social media that allows me to stay in touch with and see the faces of my friends and family during this time.

I am grateful for the company I work for and the ability to work from home


I’m grateful that I have what I need during this time and that I can for the most part work remotely and can spend time with my family. I do try to help out local mom and pop business during this time by ordering take out and doing what I can


I miss turning on the tv/radio and being able to hear about something other than COVID

I am grateful for a Peloton at home

I am grateful for my wife, who is doing an amazing job with school for the kids, despite giving birth to our 4th 4 weeks ago.


I miss seeing my granddaughters and the rest of my family and friends.
I am grateful we are healthy and safe.
I am also grateful I am able to work from home and still have a full-time job!
…don’t want to miss the opportunity to give a shout out to EVERYONE that is working hard and risking it all to take care of everyone else!


There are many people with whom we would love to spend time, which we miss. This time will confirm for us that skype, zoom, social media, calls, texts and emails and a) have their uses and b) aren’t nearly as good as the real thing.

That said, I’m extremely grateful for my wife and two kids, that we are all healthy, and that they have space to play and are happy.


We try to go out to eat as a family every Friday or Saturday night. I miss not being able to do that.

I am grateful that my family is all well. My daughter and son-in-law are both nurses so very grateful for them and that they are well.

I am grateful I have a job and that our company and our people have not been affected by this awful virus thus far.


I miss going to work in my office and being around my colleagues. I spent a lot of time last year making my office more comfortable since I am there so much. My office had started implementing wellness initiatives like daily walks, healthy snacks and fruit waters - small things but I miss them!

I’m grateful for the industry I work in being somewhat “safe” during this crisis. Highway and bridge construction is considered essential in my area so we continue to work with proper precautions in place. We haven’t had to lay off any employees. As a matter of fact, we are temporarily hiring people who have been laid off due to the COVID crisis.

I’m grateful for my neighborhood. It’s a beautiful area I had never really taken the time to appreciate until I started walking and biking around daily.


I miss my friends and feeling safe when I run necessary errands.

I am grateful that I can work from home and I live with other people so I’m not totally isolated.

I am grateful for the many health care works (including my sister) who bravely and compassionately care for those who are facing the worst symptoms.


I miss seeing all my colleagues and random conversations with them in the kitchen or hallways.

I’m grateful for all of the healthcare workers and first responders that put their lives at risk to take care of everyone.

I’m grateful to be able to work from home and have extra time now that I’m not commuting.


I miss being able to workout at my Pilates studio and just being able to go to the store without having to be constantly on alert

I am grateful for the efforts people are making to keep us all safe. Everyone: grocery store clerks, people sewing face masks for others, people who clean our buildings at night to protect us from the virus, people delivering groceries, people staying at home when they really want to go out, reporters that keeps up-to-date with what is happening, scientists who are working to find a vaccine or a cure, first responders, doctors and nurses, the list goes on and on!

I am grateful for the organization I work for and the leadership that is doing everything they can to take care of employees during this tough time.

I am grateful for technology that allows us to stay in touch with family, friends, church and that even makes it possible to take virtual classes from Pilates instructors in other parts of the country.


I miss “coffee:30” with my coworkers! It’s just a mid-afternoon break we all take to make ourselves get up, get some coffee, and talk about anything other than work!

I’m grateful that my family is all healthy and safe. My son is bummed about not having a baseball season since they are out of school, but he’s glad not to have to go to school right now!

I’m grateful that I am able to work from home. I know a lot of people do not have that as an option so I’m very thankful.


I’m grateful that I am with family and have the essential food and services. However, I am missing my coffee chats with colleagues and trying new restaurants.


I miss the freedom to link up with friends and family spontaneously.

I’m grateful my spouse is home with me during this time. This has given us the opportunity to enjoy simpler things.

I’m grateful my family is in good health.

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I miss the school routine–being able to drop my son off knowing he’ll have a great day learning and playing with his buddies while I work from home, then being able to collect him at the end of the day and hear about what he got up to. I’m grateful that my family is healthy and I’m grateful for the front line workers who are helping keep us safe and supplied. Also grateful to be employed and to be used to working from home 100% of the time.


I miss seeing my granddaughter. I miss dancing and hosting parties. I miss all my coworkers (They are more like family)
I am grateful that my family is healthy.
I am enjoying my WFH commute and thankful I can do my job from home.


My team started having a “coffee:30”, only remotely! We used to casually run into each other at the office and chat, but now we are being more intentional about meeting up and connecting as a team.